Layout types
Understand how Waitry’s layout types work! What are the layouts? The layouts or floors are the differet sections/sectors of your venue where waitry is enabled and running. From the venue manager, we’ll be able to see different layout options. The layout type we should use will depend on our service mode. Fixed access points and multi-user access pFew readersPickup points for Take Away
If in your business you work with the take away service 🏃 and you have different delivery points within the premises, you can provide this option to customers so they can choose where to pick up their orders. In this guide we tell you how to do it: 1 - Enter the configuration wheel ⚙️ next to the store name and access the Take Away service. Then click on the EDIT ✏️ button. 2 - Click on the PICKUP POINTS tab. ( readersHow to manage the Orders Screen?
Learn how to enter, configure and display the order screen to let your customers know the status of their order in real time. To access the tool, first go to the ORDERS menu on the left panel. Once there, drop down the options on the left, and choose ORDERS SCREEN. In this window we will find the following options: FULL SCREEN It allows to visualize the broFew readers