Own App graphic customization
If you belong to a franchise and own a white label Powered by Waitry app development, there are several aspects of the app that you will be able to customize to fit your branding. In this article we will discuss graphic customization. Graphic Assets Splashscreen It is the screen that is shown when the application is opened, while it is loading the resources. With the same image, splashscreens are generated for all kinds of device. The layout must be 2732x2732px in size with a 1200x12Few readersOwn App Settings
By having your own app powered by Waitry, you’ll have access not only to complete graphic customization tools, but also at the features level. With this guide you will be able to know all the aspects that you can configure. General Aspects Name of the app Description Specify full color or monochromatic logo Specify loader image Specify main background image Specify horizontal menu background Specify default user icon Edit almost any text within the app TuFew readersAdvanced kitchen settings
We will also be able to choose the colors and counters of these filters to be able to differentiate the orders in their different states: For this we will create different filters for the different states of the order with its external code. After having completed the above mentioned, we will find an option where it provides us with the colors and counters of the orders depending on their states. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/d1ab53f350bba000/screen-shot-2023-03-30-at-Few readers