Reports and analytics
Let’s learn how to use Waitry Analytics!
To access reports and analytics, we must go to the Reports tab of the side menu.

In this tab we’ll find a number of data and analytics that will guide us when making decisions based on our customers, business activity and others.

We can also apply filters such as time frames and different services offered at your business for our data to be displayed:

On the other hand we have our customer base, in the Customers section which we can access in the left side menu. Here we can access information about our customers and export it for marketing campaigns.

Now you can export your reports. Do you want to know how? Follow these steps:
1 - Go to Sales in the upper right corner.

2 - Then you must Filter what you want to export > Period, dates and times (1). When updated you will be able to Export (2) > This will download an Excel spreadsheet with the detail that has been requested.

3 - You can also export the products sold in your store > Inside the "Sales" section where you are currently located, in the upper right corner you will see the button "$ By products". You will enter there and repeat the steps of the previous point (2) in the same way.

Done! 🙂 That way you can review the different sales of your store and the products sold in the last days, weeks, months or year.
Updated on: 10/04/2023
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