How to manage your recipes?
Here we will learn how to configure the recipe of all our products. In this way, our guests will be able to know the ingredients of the product.
You will be able to set it up in a few short steps. Let's get started!
Do you feel proud of the recipe of your dish? Do you want to tell your customers what ingredients you use? At Waitry we give you that possibility! 🤩
Let's learn how to do it in simple steps🙂
To be able to create a recipe, you will have to access the side menu to PRODUCTS and in the top right corner of your screen go to INGREDIENTS.

From there you will create the different categories to group the ingredients. For example, we can create the category sauce and within it specify the different variants

Click on NEW CATEGORY and you will see the following image:

Once you have created the categories you need, according to your dishes, click on save. Perfect! Then you can continue creating the different ingredients.

You must click on ADD (in the upper right corner) and fill in the available fields.
Once the ingredients have been uploaded, you can apply them to your products. You will have to go to the chosen product and within the available options, select RECIPE:

There, the options you loaded previously will be displayed. You will be able to add all the ingredients you need by indicating ADD INGREDIENTS.

Once assigned, click on SAVE and you will be sharing the recipe of your product.
You will be able to set it up in a few short steps. Let's get started!
Do you feel proud of the recipe of your dish? Do you want to tell your customers what ingredients you use? At Waitry we give you that possibility! 🤩
Let's learn how to do it in simple steps🙂
To be able to create a recipe, you will have to access the side menu to PRODUCTS and in the top right corner of your screen go to INGREDIENTS.

From there you will create the different categories to group the ingredients. For example, we can create the category sauce and within it specify the different variants

Click on NEW CATEGORY and you will see the following image:

Once you have created the categories you need, according to your dishes, click on save. Perfect! Then you can continue creating the different ingredients.

You must click on ADD (in the upper right corner) and fill in the available fields.
Once the ingredients have been uploaded, you can apply them to your products. You will have to go to the chosen product and within the available options, select RECIPE:

There, the options you loaded previously will be displayed. You will be able to add all the ingredients you need by indicating ADD INGREDIENTS.

Once assigned, click on SAVE and you will be sharing the recipe of your product.
Updated on: 10/03/2023
Thank you!