Articles on: Products Catalogue

How to create and manage prices lists

At Waitry we know that the price of your products may vary, for example, if the purchase is made in the salon or if it is ordered at home. It is important that we provide you with this functionality, where you can set up price lists according to each service. Let's explain how to set it up!

To start you have to go to PRODUCTS in the side menu. There you will see in the upper right corner an option called $ LISTS.

Click on "NEW " and you will be able to assign a name to the list you are going to create (For example: To Collect). You will also be able to copy the current prices of your menu to have them as a base, by clicking on "Copy current prices". Don't forget to SAVE 😉 !

If you want your new list to have, for example, a 5% increase, go to the "3 vertical points" and select "INCREASE %". There you will be able to indicate a certain percentage.

Then, in the "3 vertical points" you will have to click on ENABLE. A legend will appear saying "Do you want to set this list as the current price list?", you select again ENABLE.

NOTE📝: This may modify our current price list, so we recommend that you create a price list for DIGITAL CHARGE equal to the list in our menu, without increases. This way we will always have a base list without needing to be modified.

Once you have finished editing, click on SAVE. For this list to be displayed, it is important to log out and log in again.
The LIST functionality will be very useful if you wish to assign a differential price to all (or most) of your products. But if what you want is a change for a particular product, we recommend you to make this modification from the product itself. You will have to enter the product and within the available options click on the EDIT ✏️ pencil.

In the GENERAL tab, you will have the option to SET PRICES FOR SERVICES. By clicking you will be able to see the list of available services and apply a price to each one.

NOTE: If you decide to use decimal to change the prices in this section, you must use "." (period) instead of "," (comma).

Updated on: 10/03/2023

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